Created by Discord user AlphaKretin#7990. Direct feedback and questions to either him or Dragon#3989.
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Test Hand Puzzle Generator

Upload a deck with the file dialog or by dragging and dropping the file onto the dashed region. (YGOPro Percy folder, /deck)

Before uploading your deck, you can select a board you'd like to face using the drop-down above. After you have uploaded your .ydk (Deck file) using the button above, a .lua file will automatically download. Go to your YGOPRO Percy's single folder and save it there. Then, open up Percy and go to Puzzle Mode. Look for the file "hands_" your deck name, and click the Morinphen card to draw a starting hand (you can do this as many times as you want, even after playing). You control the AI, so you can simulate "correct" gameplay from your opponent, and choose which disruptions you face.

Please note the following:

Current opponent's boards: